
Wednesday 28 November 2012

New Playground

Acouple Months ago we got this new playground the School funraised for it is so so so fun my favourite thing to do on it is climbing the net.

A Helping Hand!!

Acouple weeks ago Mrs Bocock saw this old man in the paper he had been taken advantaged by some teen ages they stole his car so his friends bought him a new one then they stole that one. He felt like dying because he couldnt visit his wife who had already passed away. So we had a bake sale at school and raised 200 dollars. So we got a basket and put food, soaps, toothpaste, toothrushes and everyone made cards for him. Four student in our class and Mrs Bocock went and gave the basket to the nice old man Mr Hayes.He had tears in his eyes he started reading the cards straight away. We hope we made this mans life better!

Athletics Day

Last week on Wednesday we had School athletics day i had an awesome day it was heaps and heaps of fun. The high jump was my favourite activity then the running. On the 200 meter sprint i came first in one race, second in the other then third (but i sprained my ankle in the second race that is why i came second). I had to go to the sick bay for half an hour.

WW2 Poem

Pure Agony
 Annihilated, ravaged, neglected towns crumble before my eyes.
Putrid, revolting, ghastly dead bodies.
Screams, cries then ear-splitting bangs!
Feeling tormented, terrified but honourable at   the same time.
 The hot rosy red blood cascade down my throat.
This abhorrent, horrendous war has ruined my   entire life.


Monday 26 November 2012

Maori Acrostic Poem

Haere ra
E te tau
E te tau



Thursday 27 September 2012

Creep Creatures Report

I would like to introduce you to my spectacular, exotic friend called the Bobble Eye Monkey a.k.a the Gloogle.  You’d better be careful around this ferocious critter.
The Bobble Eye Monkey is a fascinating creature.  He has big, bristly ears, scrawny, outrageous fingers and huge gruesome eyes.  His teeth are as long as a Saber Toothed Tiger’s, so you don’t wont to get on his bad side!  His unshaved fur is a variety of different colours depending on the weather.  This ‘monkey thing’ has
extraordinary hearing.  He can hear for up to 200km.  He is as heavy as a log but is extremely skinny.                    

Gloogles live in the subterranean sewers of Northern Jamaica.  They scuttle around the revolting, dirty pavement scouring for food.  This surreal creature loves to hang upside down by its emaciated feet on the overhead pipes of the stinky sewers.  (They sleep in that position as well).

The Bobble Eye Monkeys feast on possums, rats, mice and their favourite - LOLLIES!!! Lollies make them phsycho!  One day a man observed them having swimming lessons in the runny, slurpy water and when the man came back at night they were glowing fluro pink!  They mostly eat poo since they live in the sewers but they quite enjoy the odd fizzy drink.

Bobble Eye Monkeys are spread all over Jamaica.  There are 12 Gloogles in every region which adds up to 36 Gloogles!  Gloogles live in different tribes.  There’s a blue tribe, a purple tribe and a green tribe.  Each tribe has a chief who wears a cloak to represent the colour of their tribe.  Each tribe’s chief is the biggest and most robust Gloogle.   The chiefs have to keep everyone in line to make ensure their fellow citizens are safe.

 Extra Fascinating Facts

The Bobble Eye Monkeys (Gloogles) carry their severely fragile eggs in their ears.  They have up to 20 eggs in each ear.  Gloogles tongues get three times longer when they eat vegetables.  The Gloogles extremely sharp fingernails are used to stab their prey to death.  With its prey’s guts it wraps itself up and hibernates for two months of the year.                                        
 I hope you have learnt a lot about this crude, vulgar creature.  Beware, if you live in  Jamaica, these animals like haunting humans!!!

Sam Weir

Tuesday 4 September 2012

What am I ?

I live in China.
Some people call me ‘the gentle giant’.
I eat delicious green shoots.
I am jet black and pearl white.
I am quite obese!
I like playing about in the busy, bushy trees and on the hard, dirty ground.
I am endangered.
What Am I?

                                              Leave me a comment and tell me what I am

Monday 3 September 2012

Camp Senses Poem

Thornton Beach Camp
Cold blue waves gulping up the sand when they crash.

Delicious, sizzling sausages on the
scorching hot barbeque.

Loud, squawking seagulls fighting over their freshly caught meal.

 The icy, fresh breeze blowing in my face as I race my raft.

Freezing, cold water gushes down my throat as I go for a dive.

Thornton Beach is the best place ever!
Sam Weir

Sunday 2 September 2012

My Bio Poem

Radical, Funny, Sporty
 Wishes to be an aeroplane pilot.
 Dreams of being part of Nitro Circus and travelling the World.
 Wants to explore Africa.
Who wonders if Zebras are black with white stripes or white with black stripes.
 Who fears confined spaces .
 Who is afraid of dying.
 Who likes motor biking and hunting.
 Who believes that people that are cruel to animals should go to Jail.
 Who loves animals and my family.
 Who plans to be a millionaire.
 This is who I am